Basket Weaving Kits |
This was a fantastic craft for our homeschool group. We had 2nd–6th graders, both boys and girls. Each basket was different—it all depended on how the child weaved the basket. |
This exercise does take some prep time, some assistance, and more than one session. (This is the kit our group did) Basket Kit |
This is a really neat basket made with pine needles. I can absolutely picture young Nez Perce girls making these. Pine Needle Basket Kit |
Coiled Basket Kit comes with natural and dyed raffia, fiber rush, tapestry needles, and an easy-to-follow instruction booklet. Coiled Basket |
This website has many basket kits to choose from – from beginner to novice. Basket Kits |
This is a much more simple project for younger children. Simple Weaving Basket |
Kid's Craft with Raffia Card Basket Weaving Kit |
Drawing Books |
These books are very helpful in teaching children how to draw. You do not need to be an artist to teach from these books. Additionally, I have found many uses for these books beyond the Girls of American History curriculum. |
 Draw Write Now - Complete Set |
 Draw Write Now - Complete Set |
This book is an excellent resource for drawing various animals. **This item is listed on multiple sites for different prices - please see links below. |
 Draw Write Now - Book 8 |
 Draw Write Now - Book 8 |
Excellent resource includes instructions for drawing Native American Indians, long houses, teepees, pottery, cradleboards, many animals and more. **This item is listed on multiple sites for different prices - please see links below. |
 Draw Write Now - Book 3 |
 Draw Write Now - Book 3 |
Canoe Crafts |
These crafts are so much fun for all kids. The prices are very affordable, (some are even free). If you have an older boy that knows how to use a pocket knife, you might have him try to craft one from a small branch that has fallen. |
Simple, real leather craft. Canoe Craft Kit |
This is a link to an educational resource site that requires membership subscription. Some sample items are available without subscription. This site is well worth the minimal annual fee. (This is the canoe our family did.) Paper Canoe Craft |
TeePee Crafts |
This was such a favorite for all the kids. They were able to use some of the Indian symbols from the drawing books and really make the teepee their own. |
TeePee kit uses paper and wood. Paper TeePee Craft |
Kit makes 12 teepees. Paper TeePee Craft |
Kit makes 24 teepees Paper TeePee Craft |
This is the one our family and friends did – super fun and the kids loved it. Leather Teepee Kit |
Here is another resource from Enchanted Learning. Paper Bag Teepee |
Here is a link to a free template for making this teepee craft. Paper Bag Teepee Craft |
You will receive 5 Craft kits; 1 Imitation Leather Bookmark Craft Kit, 1 Native American Pouch Necklace, 1 Color Your Own Teepees, 1 Dream Catcher and 1 Color Your Own Native American Bracelets. TEEPEE is 10 inches and you color it to your liking. BRACELETS are adjustable with a snap closure, measures 8 1/2" x 1 1/8" DREAM CATCHER includes a 5 1/4" metal ring, string, 1/4" plastic beads and feathers. Approx. 10". BOOKMARK kit Includes self-adhesive foam pieces and satin cording, its 7 Inches long. POUCH kit includes plastic beads, feathers and a 4" felt pouch on a 28" yarn cord. Teepee, Bookmark and more 5 craft combination kit |
Indian Necklace Crafts |
There are so many of these to choose from. Boys and girls alike enjoy making them. |
This website has several Native American Indian Necklace kits, all of which are very affordable. Indian Necklace Kits |
Cave Painting |
This is something that you can do with a kit or on your own. I prefer getting the stencils – not a kit - a little help for a very affordable price. |
If you choose to use stencils and not get the kit – all you need is paint, construction paper and stencils. Have each child crumple up a piece of construction paper then smooth it out. The paintings won’t be perfect and will be more difficult to do on the crumpled paper – but that is the idea, as painting on a cave wall isn’t an easy task either. For more texture – an adult can burn the edges of the paper either before or after the paper is crumpled and smoothed again. Horse Stencils |
 Northwest Indian Stencils |
Movies |
Some movies are difficult to find on DVD. Ones listed in VHS are EXCELLENT and if you have a way to play them – I highly suggest it. |
This is the Discovery Channel version. I have only been able to find it in VHS. Discovery Channel Movie - Nez Perce |
Coordinating Books and History Curriculum |
These are books that are helpful if you want a deeper study into the history of the Nez Perce. |
The History Pockets line of books is a wonderful resource. They fit very well with nearly any history you may be doing, as they cover a wide range of time periods. You can choose to only do the parts that suit you or all of it. These are great for a wide age range of children. Supplementing the History Pockets with good non-fiction books makes for a wonderful history compliment to the Girls of American History curriculum. **This item is available on multiple sites at different prices - please see the links below.
History Pockets
 History Pockets |
Soun Tetoken – Nez Perce Boy Tames a Stallion A wonderful book. Suggested to be independently read by children in grades 4-7. (262 pages)**This item is available on multiple sites at different prices. Soun Tetoken |
This book covers many time periods regarding the various journeys that different groups of people took to reach freedom. The Nez Perce are one of those groups in this book. This book would be a good resource for other units in Girls of American History. Journeys for Freedom |
A short book with photographs. An excellent book for younger children to learn about the life of the Nez Perce. Wow! Nez Perce! |
Below is a link to a fantastic list of children’s books about Native American Indians. They are broken down by age group and reading ability. Most of these are not Nez Perce – some of them are. However, it would make a wonderful resource for anyone who wanted to do a study on Native American Indians. Native American Book Link |
I like this link on information about Chief Joseph. Chief Joseph |
Excellent book - suggested 3-4th grade Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain |
Field Trips |
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Please take the time to search your area for places that fit the study and would appeal to your children. The list below indicates field trip suggestions that can be done in any part of our country (some longer driving may be required), as well as field trips listed by area, if I have first-hand knowledge of great field trip locations. If you have a suggestion you would like to share, please send me an email. |
Many people are unaware of the free entrance into national parks for homeschoolers. Tours and educational activities are not waived, but general admittance into the park is. Be sure to print this off before you go; you may want to call them first too. Most places are really good about it, but some aren't. Anywhere in the US - National Parks |
There are powwows held all over the US. These are wonderful to attend. Experience the music, storytelling, dancing, food, crafts, and so much more. Some are better than others—take some time to research the best one for you. Please know that not all powwows are listed on these sites; I suggest doing a Google search for your area Anywhere in the US - Pow Wow |
This is a list of fish hatcheries in the US. Anywhere in the US - Fish Hatcheries |
Go Fishing at one of the many beautiful lakes or rivers in your area. Anywhere in the US - Fishing |
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, I highly recommend camping at Wallowa Lake. The State Park there is very nicely kept, and the rangers are wonderful. They have a great Junior Ranger program for kids and, depending on the schedule, a movie about Chief Joseph. Pacific Northwest - Wallowa Lake |
Visit a salmon hatchery: Pacific Northwest - Salmon Hatchery |
Nez Perce National Historic Park Pacific Northwest - Nez Perce Park |
Kaya Books |
Kaya books for the Girls of American History curriculum. |
This book is filled with historic information about the Nez Perce Indians, how they dressed, what they wore, what they ate, how they played and so much more. Truly an excellent resource, and strongly suggested for the Girls of American History curriculum. These books can often be found on Welcome to Kaya's World |
Kaya set of six readers, required for the Girls of American History curriculum. These books can also be found often at used book stores, your local library and **This item is available on multiple sites at different prices - please see the link below. Set of Six Kaya Books |
This is the new format of the original six book set. The first book combines the first three books in the original set, the second book combines books 4-6 and the last book is a "choose your own adventure" fun reading book. Kaya Beforever Books |
This set is a repackaged set of the original 6 book set. The first two books each contain three books of the six book set. The third book is a "choose your own adventure" fun reading book. Either set will work with our curriculum. Set of 3 Kaya Beforever Books |
This book is not required for the curriculum. This is an additional book filled with several related short stories about Kaya. Kaya Short Stories |
This book is not required for the curriculum. This is an additional reading book, meant for pleasure reading. This book is meant for the 4th-6th grade reading level. **This item is available on multiple sites for different prices - please see the link below. Kaya Mystery |
 Kaya Mystery |
Paper dolls, with scenes, accessories and outfits. Suggested age 7+. Kaya Paper Dolls |
Play Scene with magnetic pieces. Kaya Magnetic Mini World |
Lapbook Templates and Information |
Lapbooking can be an excellent way for children to use multisensory techniques to further comprehend their reading. |
Free Lapbook Templates can be found at this link. Lapbook Templates |
Additional Lapbook resources and information Lapbook Information |
Additional Lapbook resources and information. Lapbook Information |
From Knowledge Box Central Kaya Lapbook |
Other Items |
Other items to use for fun or for school. |
Dress up Indian girl costume. Indian Dress Up |
Dress up Indian girl costume. Indian Dress Up |
More Indian girl costumes Indian girl costumes and dress up |
Indian Girl costumes Indian girl costumes and dress up |
Indian Boy costumes and dress up. Indian Boy costumes and dress up |
Make your own teepee. Fun project for older children, or to make for younger ones to enjoy. Kid size TeePee |
A teepee for the backyard. Perfect for a family pow wow. Outdoor TeePee |